Koffer-Trick, Landesanstalt für Kommunikation, Baden- Württemberg
Koffer-Trick, Landesanstalt für Kommunikation, Baden- Württemberg
Koffer-Trick, Landesanstalt für Kommunikation, Baden- Württemberg

German Films

These films took part in the competition of 'Koffer-Trick' by the Landesanstalt für Kommunikation Baden-Württemberg and were shown in the awards show in the context of the International Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart (ITFS).

Die Wette

The bet
Made by 4a Lucian Reich Schule, Hüfingen

After having a little dispute, two friends conclude a bet about who can win the most new friends in two weeks. On their journey in an air balloon both of them meet many new friends from all over the world, and when they finally meet again, all ends up in a big party with new and old friends.


Eye of Animation 2012

Ein Ball auf Weltreise

A ball on a world trip
Made by 2c Mörikeschule, Leonberg

A ball is travelling around the world and is visiting Africa, Asia, the Northpole, Amerika and Australia.


Eye of Animation 2012


Made by 3b Eduard Mörike Grund und Werkrealschule, Ulm

This is a film about how different cultural backgrounds make the world more colorful.


Eye of Animation 2012

Jakob reist um die Welt

Jakob is travelling around the world
Made by 3c Eduard Mörike Grund und Werkrealschule, Ulm

This film takes you on a musical journey in many different countries and you will hear their version of the popular song “Brother John”.


Eye of Animation 2012

Kinder helfen Tieren

Children help animals
Made by 4a + b Schellenberger Schule, Hüfingen Hausen v.d.w.

Little stories in different places around the world tell about children who help animals in need and about animals which help children in need!


Eye of Animation 2012

Rechte Kinder - Kinderrechte

Right children – children rights
Made by 3a Friederike Brion Schule, Meißenheim

The topic of this film is serious: children rights seen from the kid`s point of view. While the reporter tries to claim what rights children have, the children interrupt him with arguments that show that even with children rights reality can be different. In the end the children demonstrate what kids really need.


Eye of Animation 2012